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Reflection Time

Acronym for LOVE






Leonard Ravenhill

"The soul of a man will live forever and ever and ever. Eternal darkness or Eternal bliss. Heavenly joy or Hell misery. One way to heaven, million ways to hell." 

Paul Leboutillier

Biblical Christians fully understand that the heart of mankind is corrupt and deceitful. Furthermore, we know that the condition of this world will go from bad to worse. But until the Lord calls us home we ought to be using whatever opportunities and freedoms the Lord has granted us to bring the light of His presence into this dark world. 

David Pawson

The bible is God's truth about himself and how we should relate to him, set in the context of history. It tells how people, principally the nation of Israel, came to experience God for themselves and respond to his Word. Far from being a dry theological textbook, it is the vibrant story of God's redeeming work in the lives of his people

Endless Sand

Jackie Pullinger

The most important thing is doing the will of God

Joy Dawson

Humility, obedience and faith toward God.


Its who you call..... its who you ask, seek then knock that makes the difference. You only have to ask Him

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